Tell your patients about accessing their (prospective) future health records

Prepare a news item

There may be press coverage about patients being able to access their medical records from 1st November.

You might like to write a short news article about this with a link to the NHS page to save you answering lots of questions from patients. See this article on how to write a News article on your website.

You should also include this information on your current Access to medical records page if you have one.

We’d recommend keeping the message short. Include a link directly to the NHS information page. For example (edit to suit your practice):

Title – Access your health information

Text – From 1st November 2022 patients will be able to start accessing their records. One of the best ways to do this is to use the NHS App. Please visit the NHS website to find out how to get the NHS App. It will take some time before health information becomes available. Please ask us if you require more information.

FutureNHS workspace

If you are a member of the FutureNHS workspace there are lots of useful resources including a General practice readiness checklist.

You can go directly to the FutureNHS on this link but you will need to login.

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