Make a QR code for your GP surgery website

QR code for your gp surgery website

Why not put a QR code for your practice website on the door of your surgery so patients can find information about the practice when you are closed? Put another one in reception so your team can signpost patients easily to information on your website.

Most mobile phones will automatically read a QR code

During the pandemic, being asked to scan a QR code to order food, view a menu or reserve a table is becoming quite normal. Many people have found this a quick and easy way to access more information. Most modern smart phones will automatically read a QR code if you open the camera app and point the camera at it. If the QR code contains a link to a website, it will usually attempt to open that website.

It is surprisingly easy to make your own QR code

The good news is that there are quite a few free online services available to make your own QR code. If you are happy to accept the default black and white square pattern there is no need to pay anything.

We tried several free QR codes and found this one really easy to use. If you accept the basic version then the QR code image can be downloaded free of charge without you even needing to give up your email address.

Here is a quick video demonstrating how we made ours.

Download the QR code and make a poster

The QR code will download as an image. You can then open a new Word document or Publisher document. Add a title “Scan this code to visit the practice website” and insert the image below. Make sure it is nice and big on the page to make it easy to scan. Print out the poster and of course test it with your phone before putting it up. Ask a few colleagues to try it too just to make sure.